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“It’s OK to be brave and afraid at the same time.” Brene Brown

I've been sitting with my word since mid-December. I use the word as a touchstone and guiding principle for the year. Some years the word has been gentle, others active, thoughtful, or an uncovering of. Each year – regardless of the word - has unfolded to be magical, hard, surprising, and thoughtful. In countless ways.

Even as I write this (its February people!), I've been taking this year's word on and off. Hoping another one would sit better, be more comfortable. None of them did. This year’s word lodged quick and deep. There was a week or two it took a passenger seat ride to Grace, but Visibility was not having Before she was punted, Grace made a bank robber worthy fly-by to let vulnerability, joy and discipline jump into the backseat. Go, Grace! (And thank God).

Being Visible sets me on edge. It's how I know, to my bones, that it's my word for 2020.

I've always been more comfortable in the passenger seat. It's not that I'm not Visible – I am when I need to be, but it's usually for short stints. I've been proud that I've made a successful career in the corporate and agency world of being the quiet power behind the scenes. It fits my personality well, and it's given me the flexibility and ability to do well – for myself, clients, and people I have mentored and coached.

Yet, as I move into active entrepreneurship at 54, in the digital age no less, I recognize that I need to be more Visible. The last month (January!), I’ve been thinking of what Visibility might be for me, externally and internally. I have days where I struggle with the word and what does this look like? I know I’ll have more days like this. But I’m jumping off and wading in.

I take comfort that this next phase of my life (and year) is going to be one of equal parts short, long, and full of growth. As an endurance athlete, I know this map and how to set milestones. It will be hard to juggle my consulting clients, life and laying the foundations for this new business (note new website). I'll have times when I move forward, others backward and (god forbid) sideways. It won't be perfect, but I’ll work to keep my word and values of courage and integrity at the forefront while coming from a place of grace, vulnerability, courage, and love. That a strategy, organic growth, authenticity, and foundation building are the starting point. It's daunting, scary, and exhilarating.

Here we go….

LETTERS TO SLeslie Cumming